For anyone seeking to hire a minor renovation contractor in Singapore, there might be a lot of services being offered. Minor renovation works can be described as small modifications and enhancements of a house for instance the floors, cabinets, color wash, the creation of wall barriers, and so on.
Most of the time they don’t warrant the need to make significant changes to the structure or seek permission from authorities but with them, one can transform or enhance the look and use of the space significantly.
What We Offer: Our Minor Renovation Services
SK Renovation provides and undertakes a number of minor renovation services to enhance your abode or working environment. The changes we provide in our minor/small renovation works are quick, cheap, and without complications.
You do not have to think about changes in structure or seeking permission from the government authorities. We will do all the work for you including preparation, design up to implementation stage. Give us a call now and we will make those minor changes for your space.
Some examples of our minor renovation works are:
✅ Applying wood, tile, or any other hard surface on the floor
✅ Draining tanks or installing, altering, or removing water closets, urinals, sinks, or other kitchen or bathroom fittings
✅ Rearranging the kitchen or bathroom backsplash or countertop
✅ Painting the wall, ceiling, or door
✅ Extending or reducing the size of a Can Light fixture
✅ Window grilles, or blinds can be new or being installed
✅ Modification of in-built cabinets, shelves or wardrobes
✅ Alteration of the partition walls wherein more or fewer spaces can be made.
✅ Changing the number of rooms or types of numbers like the number of bedrooms, or bathrooms or any study rooms
✅ Altering the architecture of the space to switch between styles like joining or separating rooms, or moving the kitchen area or a washroom
✅ Putting in new systems for instance; air conditioning, water heater, or security systems
✅ Expanding or improving the appearance of the exterior of a property or its grounds
Major renovation works are therefore broader and perhaps deeper than minor works as well since they take longer to complete, cost more to implement, and are likely to require the approval of a number of authorities. They also entail the use of more structure changes and structural alterations to the host building.
If any of the major renovation works interest you or you have any other ideas or requests then contact us. We are capable of giving you a quote and strategy that best fits your wants and wallet.
Our special team will contact you as soon as possible
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How to Look for the Most Suitable Minor Renovation Contractor in Singapore for Residing or Commercial Space
It is important to understand that there are many minor renovation contractors out there, not all of which will be the same. Some of them may provide their services relatively cheap, but in exchange, they provide low-quality services on the other hand, they provide their services relatively expensive, but in exchange they also provide bad services.
Naturally, it is essential to know, how to choose the most suitable minor renovation contractor in Singapore for your task and your pocket.
Here are some tips to help you choose the right minor renovation contractor Singapore:
✅ Yes do a background check on them, that is to say check on their credibility and previous works. Typically, a minor renovation contractor in Singapore should have the right licenses to conduct renovation exercises in the country.
You should also, therefore, request for their portfolio of earlier works and the references from their earlier clients. This way you can judge for yourself the kind of work they do and how professional they are.
✅ Check which of them offers the best quotes and type of services. Hiring a minor renovation contractor in Singapore should be done after receiving at least three quotes from different contractors. This should enable you to price, service, and time comparison among them.
You should also request for the cost estimates and the projects that will be done accompanied with warranty and after-sale services. Avoid contractors that give a quotation that is too low or too high; nothing is free and the cheapest service can be costly in the long run.
✅ Speak to your boss and express the ways and means that you prefer to work with. Selection of a minor renovation contractor requires one to understand their vision and requirements and get a contractor who will help offer ideas that fit the sight and the budget of the occupant.
You should communicate clearly both what you do and do not want, what style is appropriate to you and what materials and processes you like and dislike, how much money you can afford to spend, and furthermore how much time for the project. You should also be willing to listen from the contractor as they might have some kind of experience and knowledge in that Do it yourself project.
✅ They suggest selecting a contractor who is trustworthy. Accordingly, the selection criteria that we deem to be most crucial for approaching the minor renovation contractor in Singapore is trust. It would be perfect if the contractor you select is honest, open, and polite. They should be positioned to deliver on what they are proposing, on time and within the estimated cost.
They should also be communicating with you on the work in progress and some of the constraints they are facing if any. The employee’s should also be able to cope with any issues or grievances effectively and within the shortest time possible.
Why Minor Renovation is Important:
Minor renovation is crucial because it can enhance the aesthetics of your home or office, without necessarily prompting drastic alterations and spending so much. Minor renovation also improves the value and usability of your home, through the change of material, installation, and furniture.
Some of the benefits of minor renovation are:
It can bring new colors, textures, and styles to the space that you live and work in and can improve the look and feel of the area.
It can enhance the use of energy and security of your space, for instance, by replacing the outdated systems like lighting, plumbing among others, or electrical wiring.
It can change the layout and densities of space and storage, through the inclusion or exclusion, of partition walls, cabinets, or shelves.
It can tell about your personality and lifestyle, for you can arrange your rooms in a way you want and need.
Why Minor Renovations Should Not Be Dismissed as Small Jobs:
Minor renovations are not minor, because they can be major changes to your home or workplace. Minor renovations can change the aesthetics, comfort, purpose, and likelihood of the room or space, through the revitalization of the utilities, hardware, and accessories.
They can also be used to better organize the space and storage solutions available and to express your personality and lifestyle.
However, even simple remodels need to be thought through, estimated, and optimized to the best extent possible. The complete construction plan should be selected from different contractors, designs, and the materials as well.
You also have to make sure that the work is done right, on the right time, and definitely out of harm’s way. You may also face some problems or problems on the process like some delays, flaws, and disputes.
That is why, minor renovations, for example, should not be stated as small jobs because this is a lot of work and decision-making. They also have lots of pros and cons. You have it that should approach them as important tests, which you need to prepare for ahead of time. In case of any assistance or advice of minor renovation works, feel free to contact us.
People Also Ask:
It is also important to understand what minor renovation works entail.
Minor renovating works are mainly small alterations, improvements, repairs, renovations, or additions of a comparatively small scale, for example replacing tiles, cabinets, painting, construction of partition walls, minor maintenance, repair, handyman, and so on. Most of the time they do not need extensive changes in the infrastructure or permission from the powers that be.
What do I need to do to get a quote for my project and when can I call for a consultation from SK Renovation?
You can Contact SK Renovation through Phone, E-mail, or by their online contact form. You also have the option of paying us a visit and filling in a short form with all of the necessary information you have to offer to us. We will be grateful if you contact us and we will schedule a meeting with you to specify the details of your project. We also offer you a detailed and individual quote and plan for the execution of your project.
How many weeks or months is a minor renovation project going to take?
The timeframe of a minor renovation project may be influenced by among others, the type, size, and nature of the project, the contractor’s calendar, and the material. As a rule, works associated with minor renovation can last for several hours or several days. This must be cleared with your contractor prior to the start of the project that includes a schedule of the plan’s progress and associated slowdowns.
What is the approximate price for minor home renovation?
The cost of a minor renovation project may differ greatly depending on the kind and area of the work, the quality of the works performed by the contractor, and the materials used. As for minor renovations, it can easily cost between several hundred dollars and several thousand.
You should have your contractor write you a clear and accurate estimate which you should compare with other estimates from other contractors. You should also add another ‘contingency’ to cater for expenses that you never anticipated or any fluctuations.
Does the HDB require one to apply for permission in order to conduct minor renovation?
Different minor renovation works will require different approvals by the HDB or MCST based on the stringency of the renovation works.
Example: You do not need permission for tile replacement, cabinetry, backsplash, or painting, but you do need permission for changing the wall divides, new systems, window replacement, or others. You need to review HDB renovation guidelines for your house; or the MCST by-laws for your property before you embark on the project and ensure that you seek the necessary permits in as far as they are necessary.
Which minor renovation mistakes should one then avoid?
Some common minor renovation mistakes to avoid are:
- Lacking basic time and cost control and failure to effectively stick to a schedule and/or financial means as to the extent of the project.
- Failure to undertake proper research and comparisons before settling for a particular contractor, or design work.
- Failing to communicate with the contractor or the designer in a fluent and on a regular basis.
- Omission of the quality and suitability of the material used as well as the standard followed in doing the work.
- Failure to adhere to the HDB or MCST rules and regulations of the subject renovation works.
- Omission to generate records of the contract signed, receipts given, and the warranty offered.