HDB Renovation Noise Rules: What You Need to Know Before You Start Your Project

Renovating your HDB flat can be an exciting and rewarding process, as you get to transform your space according to your preferences and needs. However, it can also be a stressful and challenging process, as you need to comply with various rules and regulations set by HDB, especially when it comes to noise.

HDB Renovation Noise Rules:

Noise is one of the most common sources of complaints and disputes among neighbors during renovation works. Excessive noise can cause annoyance, disturbance, and even health problems for the residents living nearby. Therefore, HDB has noise hours that should be complied with.

HDB general renovation work is allowed between the hours of 8 am and 6 pm on weekdays, and noisy renovation work is allowed between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm on weekdays. If you need to do any work outside of these hours, you will need to apply for a Noise Permit.

A Noise Permit is a written approval from HDB that allows you to carry out noisy renovation works outside the permitted hours. You can apply for a Noise Permit through online.

HDB Renovation Noise Rules

Some of the noisy renovation works that require a Noise Permit are:

Hacking of walls, floors, or ceilings.
Demolition of structures or fixtures.
Drilling of walls, floors, or ceilings.
Installation or removal of windows or doors.
Installation or removal of floor or wall tiles.
Installation or removal of false ceilings or partition walls.
Installation or removal of air-conditioners or water heaters.

Some of the renovation works that do not require a Noise Permit are:

Painting of walls, ceilings, or doors.
Installation or removal of cabinets, shelves, or wardrobes.
Installation or removal of light fittings or switches.
Installation or removal of curtains or blinds.
Installation or removal of carpets or rugs.

If you are planning to do any of these renovation works, you should still be considerate and respectful of your neighbours, and try to minimise the noise as much as possible. You should also inform your neighbours in advance of your renovation schedule, and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

You should also avoid doing any renovation work during public holidays or festive periods, as your neighbours might be resting or celebrating at home.

By following the HDB renovation noise rules, you can ensure that your renovation project is done in a responsible and courteous manner, and avoid any unnecessary conflicts or complaints. You can also enjoy your newly renovated flat without any hassle or worry.

If you are looking for a reliable and professional renovation contractor in Singapore, you can contact SK Renovation, a renovation service company with over 20 years of experience. We offer a wide range of renovation services, including minor and major renovation works, for HDB flats and other types of properties.

We have a special team of skilled workers and our own designer who can transform your space according to your vision and budget. We are also familiar with the HDB renovation noise rules and other regulations. We can help you apply for the necessary permits and approvals. Contact us today for a free quote and consultation.

hdb renovation noise rules

HDB Renovation Drilling Hours:

Drilling is one of the most common and noisy renovation works that can cause disturbance and annoyance to your neighbors. Therefore, HDB has set some rules and guidelines to regulate the HDB renovation drilling hours and noise levels.

According to the HDB renovation guidelines, renovation work is allowed between the hours of 8 am and 6 pm on weekdays. No renovation work is allowed on Sundays and public holidays.

However, for noisy renovation works, such as hacking, demolishing, drilling, or removing floor finishes, there are more restrictions. These works have to cease by 5 pm on weekdays, and they are not allowed on weekends, public holidays, and the eve of major public holidays.

If you need to do any noisy renovation work outside the permitted hours, you will need to apply for a Noise Permit from HDB. A Noise Permit is a written approval from HDB that allows you to carry out noisy renovation works outside the permitted hours.

How Long Does HDB Renovation Take: BTO & HDB Renovation Timeline

One of the most common questions that homeowners have when planning to renovate their HDB flat is how long does it take. The answer is not straightforward, as it depends on various factors, such as the type, size, and complexity of the renovation works, the availability and efficiency of the contractor and the materials, and the approval and inspection process by HDB and other authorities.

However, based on the average experience of homeowners and contractors, we can estimate that a typical HDB renovation takes about 1 to 8 weeks. This is assuming that there are no major delays or complications along the way. Of course, every HDB renovation is unique, and the timeline will vary according to the specific needs and preferences of each homeowner.

To give you a better idea of how long HDB renovation takes, here is a general HDB renovation timeline that covers the main stages and steps of the renovation process:

Pre-renovation (1 to 2 weeks): This is the stage where you plan and prepare for your renovation project. You need to do some research, set a budget, find a contractor, apply for a renovation permit, and finalize your design and materials. This stage can take longer if you have difficulty making decisions or finding a suitable contractor.

Demolition and hacking (1 to 2 weeks): This is the stage where you remove the existing structures and fixtures that you want to change or replace, such as walls, floors, ceilings, doors, windows, cabinets, etc. This stage can be noisy and messy, and you need to follow the HDB renovation noise rules and hours. You also need to apply for a Noise Permit if you want to do any noisy work outside the permitted hours.

Masonry and carpentry (2 to 4 weeks): This is the stage where you build and install the new structures and fixtures that you want to add or replace, such as walls, floors, ceilings, doors, windows, cabinets, etc. This stage can be time-consuming and costly, depending on the type and quality of the materials and workmanship. You also need to ensure that the materials and workmanship comply with the HDB renovation guidelines and standards.

Electrical and plumbing (1 to 2 weeks): This is the stage where you install and connect the new systems and appliances that you want to add or replace, such as lighting, wiring, switches, sockets, air-conditioning, water heater, pipes, taps, sinks, etc. This stage can be technical and tricky, and you need to hire a licensed electrician or plumber to do the job. You also need to ensure that the systems and appliances comply with the HDB renovation guidelines and standards.

Painting and finishing (1 to 2 weeks): This is the final stage where you add the finishing touches to your renovation project, such as painting, wallpapering, tiling, flooring, etc. This stage can be fun and creative, as you get to choose the colors, textures, and styles that suit your taste and theme. You also need to ensure that the finishing materials and workmanship comply with the HDB renovation guidelines and standards.

Post-renovation (1 to 2 weeks): This is the stage where you clean up and inspect your renovation project, and rectify any defects or issues that you or the HDB might find. You also need to submit a renovation completion notification to HDB and apply for a Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) if you have made any structural changes to your flat. You also need to pay the final payment to your contractor and enjoy your newly renovated flat.

As you can see, the HDB renovation timeline is not fixed, and it can vary depending on the individual circumstances and preferences of each homeowner. However, by following the HDB renovation guidelines and rules, and working with a reliable and professional contractor, you can ensure that your HDB renovation is done in a smooth and timely manner.

HDB Renovation Noise Works

How to Apply for a Noise Permit in Singapore

A Noise Permit is a written approval from the National Environment Agency (NEA) that allows you to carry out noisy renovation works outside the permitted hours.

You may need to apply for a Noise Permit if you are renovating your HDB flat or other types of properties, and you want to do any noisy works, such as hacking, demolishing, drilling, or removing floor finishes, after 5 pm on weekdays, or on weekends, public holidays, and the eve of major public holidays.

You can apply for a Noise Permit online through the [HDB InfoWEB e-Service] or through the [HDB Resale Portal] if you are a resale flat buyer. You need to submit your renovation details and contractor information, and pay a processing fee of $10. You will receive an approval or rejection within 1 working day.

You can also check the status of your application online. You need to display the Noise Permit at the entrance of your flat during the renovation period. You also need to follow the [HDB renovation guidelines] and [good renovation practices] to ensure a smooth and safe renovation process.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can I reduce the noise level of my renovation work?

You can reduce the noise level of your renovation works by using quieter tools and methods, such as electric saws, nail guns, or glue instead of hammers, nails, or screws. You can also use sound-absorbing materials, such as carpets, curtains, or foam, to dampen the noise. You can also schedule your noisy work during the less sensitive hours, such as mid-morning or mid-afternoon, and avoid doing them during the peak hours, such as early morning or evening.

What are the consequences of violating the HDB renovation noise rules and hours?

If you violate the HDB renovation noise rules and hours, you may face complaints from your neighbours, or even legal action from HDB or the police. You may also be fined, suspended, or blacklisted by HDB, and lose your renovation permit. You may also have to stop or undo your renovation works and incur additional costs and delays.

How can I deal with noise complaints from my neighbours during my renovation work?

If you receive noise complaints from your neighbours during your renovation works, you should try to resolve them amicably and respectfully. You should apologise for any inconvenience caused, and explain the nature and duration of your renovation works. You should also assure them that you are following the HDB renovation noise rules and hours, and show them your renovation permit if necessary.

You should also try to accommodate their requests or suggestions, such as adjusting your renovation schedule, reducing your noise level, or giving them advance notice.

How can I cope with the noise from my neighbours’ renovation works?

If you are disturbed by the noise from your neighbours’ renovation works, you should try to be understanding and tolerant, as they are also trying to improve their living environment. You should also communicate with them politely and constructively, and express your concerns and needs.

You should also ask them for their renovation schedule, and plan your activities accordingly. You can also use earplugs, headphones, or white noise machines to block out the noise. You can also go out or stay somewhere else during the noisy hours, if possible.

How can I find out more about the HDB renovation noise rules and hours?

You can find out more about the HDB renovation noise rules and hours by visiting the [HDB website], or contacting the [HDB Branch Office] or the [HDB Essential Maintenance Service Unit (EMSU)] for your estate. You can also consult your renovation contractor, who should be familiar with the HDB renovation noise rules and hours, and advise you accordingly.

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Our Company

SK Renovation Contractor

📍 Queenstown, Stirling Road, #01-1109, Sinapore 140171

✆ Phone: +6588252650

📧 Email: Contact@skrenovationcontractorsingapore.sg

Operating Hours:

Monday-Friday: [9.00 AM-6.00 PM]
Saturday: [9.00 – 4.00 PM]
Sunday: [9.00 – 12.00 PM]